President and Founding Partner
/ Career
Santiago Mediano is the Chairman of the Firm, and one of its Founding Partners. He is an expert in Intellectual Property, a speciality in which he is a leading figure on the national and international scene. He also specialises in Competition Law. He has taught Civil Law and Intellectual Property at various Universities over more than two decades. He has extensive experience in ligation on intellectual property, industrial property and entertainment and related matters in all kinds of civil, criminal, administrative and social courts, including the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court.
Santiago has been involved in numerous transactions involving intangible assets, advising the largest multinational companies in the audiovisual, music and technology sectors. He has also advised a number of institutional clients, including national and international business associations in the audiovisual sector. He is currently the General Manager of the Association of National Videographic Distributors and Importers (ADIVAN). In this context, Santiago has been called upon to draft parts of the most important laws on Intellectual Property and Audiovisual Law.
He has been a regular speaker and panellist at international conferences and congresses on robotic intellectual property and artificial intelligence. Since 1991, Santiago has been linked to the Madrid Bar Association, where he is Chairman of the Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual and Augmented Reality Section. He is also Chairman of Lawbotics, an association of jurists that deals with these same subjects, and of Chess Without Borders, an NGO that promotes the dissemination of chess as a method of social integration and self-knowledge. Since 2023, he has been the EMEA IC Representative for Mackrell International, of which he is also the Treasurer.
He is active in the national and international market, being part of the US, UK and Swiss Desks, and working in close collaboration with the Lisbon office.
He is Member of the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, Member of Ateneo Literario, Artístico y Científico de Madrid, Member of the Asociación Literaria y Artística para la Defensa del Derecho de Autor (ALADDA), Member of the Asociación Española de Derecho del Entretenimiento (DENAE), Member of the Real Casino de Madrid, Honorary Member of the Fundación de Amigos del Museo del Prado, Collaborating Member of the Fundación de Amigos del Teatro Real, Member of the Sociedad de Amigos del Real Jardín Botánico and Member of the Círculo de Bellas Artes.
Father of four children, he enjoys performing jazz in the Las Rozas Big Band, writing poems, fencing, playing chess, and spending time at sea.
Areas of practice
- Intellectual and Industrial Property
- Competition Law
- Dispute Settlement
- Media, Entertainment & Sports
- Robotics & AI
- USA Desk, UK Desk, Swiss Desk
English, German, French, Italian and Spanish
/ Education
- BSc in Law from the Autonomous University of Madrid
- Research Competence in Civil Law from the Complutense University of Madrid
- Master in Business Management and Administration ISDE
- Expert qualification in Competition Law from the Market Studies Institute
- Master in Poetic Creation from the Centro Billar de Letras
/ Experience
- Chairman and Founder of Santiago Mediano Abogados / 2003-present
- Managing partner of the IP&IT area of Albiñana & Suarez de Lezo | 2000-2003
- Associate at Squire, Sanders & Dempsey | 1998-2000
- Associate at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo | 1996-1998
- In-house counsel at Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) | 1994-1996
/ Teaching
- Speaker and collaborator in courses, conferences and master’s degrees on intellectual property at the Complutense, Autónoma and Carlos III Universities of Madrid and at the World Intellectual Property Organisation.
- Regular speaker at professional associations and entities
- Recommended by Chambers & Partners in copyright (since 2003).
- European Legal Experts in Intellectual Property (since 2003)
- Legal 500 (2003 to 2006), being “highly recommended” in 2007
- Nominated in Best Lawyers directory since 2013
- Nominated as one of the 100 best lawyers in Spain by Emérita Legal
Professional affiliations
- Madrid Bar Association
- Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación
- ALADDA (Literary and Artistic Association for the defence of the author)
- Spanish-French Dialogue Association
- French Chamber of Commerce
- British Chamber of Commerce
- Lawbotics
- Amigos del Prado. Honorary member.
- Amigos del Teatro Real. Collaborator.
- Amigos del Real Jardín Botánico. Member.
- Círculo de Bellas Artes. Member.
- Real Casino de Madrid. Member.

We are a business law firm, offering multidisciplinary advice to national and foreign companies.
/ Where we are

C/ Campoamor, 18
28004 Madrid
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Rua D. João V, nº 2 – 5º Dto
1250-090 Lisboa
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