Our Firm has offices in Spain and Portugal, and we have signed collaboration agreements with prestigious firms in major nations in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and the USA, among others. Our staff includes Swiss, British and American lawyers who work in different jurisdictions, which lets us assist our clients in expanding their professions beyond the borders of their country.
Our international orientation lets us perform short-term exchanges of lawyers through secondment programmes, thus reinforcing our international experience.

/ Areas
/ Intellectual Property
We have over 20 twenty years’ experience in this area, having led many of Spain’s most important cases. Our command of languages is one of our distinctive features as is our knowledge of the operators in our specialist sectors.
/ Industrial Property
In today’s society, intangible assets are a key source of wealth and progress. Investing in creating, developing, exploiting and marketing these entails the use and application of significant human and material resources.
/ Public
Economic and social development has meant a growing presence and participation of public authorities in the different areas of personal and business relationships – whether in the role of regulator, operator, supervisor or guarantor of general interests.
/ Labour
The current economic situation has shown how the correct application of labour law is key to managing organisations. In this context, employment practice has proved to be a basic tool for channelling new challenges.
/ Litigation & Arbitration
This department is an essential part of the comprehensive advice that the firm offers to all our clients. It includes overseeing, managing and advising on all judicial procedures that Santiago Mediano Abogados are asked to handle.
/ Commercial and Corporate
Of particular importance is the experience that the members of this department have in managing cross-border transactions, where knowing the language, operators and particular cultural and legal nuances are essential in ensuring that deals are successful.
/ Tax
The impact of tax on a business can be decisive when it comes to maximising returns. Faced with the authorities’ growing need to collect taxes, responsible companies must comply with fiscal regulations, without losing sight of the need to maximise profits.
/ White Collar Crime
We provide professional, flexible and expert advice, aimed at preventing criminal contingencies in the field of business and business activity, as well as legal defence in criminal proceedings of all kinds.
/ Compliance
The increasing complexity of organisations and the regulatory environment makes it particularly important for businesses to manage compliance with standards to avoid penalties and to preserve their reputation.
/ Sectors
/ Media & Entertainment
Success in the sports and entertainment sectors requires ongoing advice and an in-depth understanding of industry regulations and the different operators.
/ ICT and Internet
The development of IT, mass media and telecommunications offers significant business opportunities as well as challenges that require legal, technical and market knowledge.
/ Renewable Energies
In recent years, the resources allocated to the development of renewable energy sources have increased spectacularly. This has come with an abundance of constantly evolving regulation.
/ Logistics
Companies that carry out activities in the logistics industry have to deal with continuous legislative and administrative challenges as part of carrying out their business.
/ Property
The recovery of the European economy in general, and the Spanish economy in particular, has meant a return of capital to the real estate sector. Vulture funds and institutional investors have seen increased interest.
/ Retail & Consumer
In recent years, the retail and consumer industries have undergone major changes and advances – a metamorphosis that has been attributed to a number of factors – including economic growth, increased consumption and advances in technology.
/ Tourism
The Iberian Peninsula is a tourist magnet that attracts worldwide interest. Year upon year, millions of travellers come here attracted by our beaches, artistic heritage and cuisine. They account for around 10% of the country’s GDP.
/ Robotics and AI
The inclusion of robotics, AI and new audiovisual media within mass consumption is now a reality. Society and companies are facing the challenges and mass use of these devices and developments.
/ Specialities
/ Associations
The development and growth of associations in the economic arena is a growing phenomenon that helps achieve a wide range of objectives. Beyond the obvious differences that exist in each area or industry, there is a host of situations and circumstances that are common to all of them and in which our firm is a leader thanks to our solid and extensive experience.
/ Public Corporations
For organisations that are linked to or form part of the public sector, recent related legislative changes represent both a challenge and an opportunity. Universities, professional associations and official chambers carry out essential activities and need to demonstrate that they satisfy the real needs of the people who use their services.
/ International

/ UK Desk
The UK today enjoys a worldwide reputation as a great place to do business. This has been helped by the country’s stable corporation tax rates and the relative ease of setting up a company. Its historical links with the Commonwealth and the US also make the country the ideal connecting point between multinationals and companies from the rest of Europe.

We are a business law firm, offering multidisciplinary advice to national and foreign companies.
/ Where we are
